Brand: Teletek

BRAVO RC-41 is a one-way remote key fob for remote management of BRAVO panels and Eclipse hybrid systems. The key fob has 4 buttons with functionality for: Arming, Disarming, and two programmable.

*Note: The programming of the  buttons’  functions is performed via ProsTE software after enrollment of the key-fob to the system configuration.

The main advantage of the one-way remote key fob is that it can operate with several systems at the same type. That means the user can manage two or more Eclipse panels using one BRAVO one-way remote key fob, as one and the same programmable button can perform different operation, according set functionally in the panel.

Also, one BRAVO one-way key fob can operate at the same time with Eclipse hybrid panels (via Eclipse WL ver.5.2.3 and higher) and BRAVO panels (ver. 5.0 and higher).

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